Definition of terms

Executive Director

Means the Head of Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation and represents the Institution on behalf of the Executive Committee and the Board of Governors.
Executive Committee

Means members of the Board and those charged with executive responsibilities.
Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation

A Pan-African Centre for study, Reflection and Worship situated in Kitwe, Zambia.
Participant's Council

An elected council comprising of representative participants from all Programmes and Committees which shall attend to issues and affairs pertaining to participants in collaboration with MEFs respective sections/offices and the Head of Programmes office.


Meaning any person pursuing a course or area of studies provided at MEF.

Mutual respect

Means a common admiration and understanding between two or more people.
Disorderly Behavior

Means any behavior that is contrary to the established participants code of conduct at MEF.
Narcotic and Psychotropic drug

Means unprescribed and illegal drugs that taken or are in possession of an individual and are harmful to the mind and the body in general.

Hooliganism and Vandalism

Hooliganism means a public behavior that is extremely noisy and violent Vandalism means a criminal action of willfully destroying or damaging public or MEF property.

Any acts of influencing one or more people to go on strike, to boycott classes, meals or other MEF activities due to dissatisfaction or protest.

Indecent Dressing

Dressing that is generally unacceptable by Zambian society; tight Skirts and trousers, bare backs, sleeveless skirts and blouses, miniskirts, tight and miniskirts
Special Diet

Meaning any special food recommended by a Medical Doctor.


The Handbook encompasses both the Academic and Behavioral Guidelines. It therefore, speaks of the Grading System, teaching methods, term breaks, allowances, punctuality, grievance/disciplinary procedures etc.
You are encouraged to read through the handbook carefully, as it will be advantageous to you if you understand its contents. You are further encouraged to seek clarification on whatever issues you do not understand. You will be expected to observe all the rules and guidelines as laid down in the handbook. No one else, but yourself will be at fault if you fail to do so.
We hope that this handbook will be a reference book for you to be used whenever you need clarification on any academic or behavioral issue.
We wish you a fruitful stay at Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation.



In order to protect course students from people who display bad behavior which may interrupt normal life conditions, Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation has put in place a CODE OF CONDUCT to be used as a guide for all students. These guidelines should be followed strictly. A breach of any of them may result in appropriate punishment against the offender.


Mutual respect

Mutual respect between students and members of staff of every category must be observed at all time, bearing in mind that every member plays a vital role to the success of Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (MEF), and the need to respect and appreciate cultural diversity in paramount.


All students are expected to observe times for all institutional activities i.e. classes, Chapel and other functions. Time for these activities shall be provided to students.
Class attendance

Except as a result of illness, no student is allowed to miss or be late for class without permission from the senior lecturer.

Visits by the opposite sex

No member of the opposite sex may be admitted to the dormitories. However, in special cases i.e. illness and the like, express permission shall be sought from the Head of Programmes, Research and Planning or any management member in case of an emergency. The lounges and classrooms are available to students for joint studies or discussions up to 22:00 hours.

Sex related offences

Sexual harassment, which is defined as any unwanted physical contact or remarks, including all suggestion of sexual nature, is not permitted. Any sexual immorality cases (with proven evidence) shall be disposed with an expulsion.
Silence in dormitories

Silence in the dormitories must be observed from 22:00 hours until 05:00 hours.
Play of musical instruments

Musical instruments such as radios, tape recorders, guitars, etc. may be played in the dormitories, provided the tone is kept low. No musical instrument is to be played after 22:00 hours. Failure to adhere to this will result in the confiscation of the said instruments for safe keeping until closing time for that particular semester.

Singing Practice

Singing practices and the use of loud musical instruments may be done in the chapel or outdoors, away from others.

Bed time

As rule, all students must be in their dormitories by 22:00 hours.


No visitor is allowed to enter the dormitories after 22:00 or spend a night in the dormitories.
Night off Campus

The Head of Programmes, Research and Planning and the Programme senior lecturers MUST authorize an “Absent (Notification Form)” if a student plans to be away from campus overnight. The student will be required to fill in the Notification Form in the Head of Programmes, Research and Planning’s office, giving the name and address of the family the student is going to stay with. Notification should be given two days before somebody leaves.

Removal of dormitory property

Students are not allowed to remove from dormitory any items shown on the room inventory lists without permission from the Finance, Administration and Resource Manager.
Procedure on the loss of keys/damaged property

Lost keys or any dormitory property damaged will be replaced or paid for by the student involved.
Locking and cleaning of rooms

Students must keep their dormitory rooms securely locked at all times. Students are advised to keep all their valuables safely locked in their rooms. Campus authorities will not accept responsibility for any loss of personal property resulting from failure to follow this rule. Students are expected to clean their own rooms.
Safe-keeping of cash

students are advised to deposit any large sums of money in the safe in the accounts office. A form will be signed indicating the amount on the deposit and another form will be signed recording every withdrawal by the student.

Missing items

Any missing item(s) from your room must be reported to the Matron and the sooner the report is done the better.

Consumption of alcoholic drinks

Consumption of alcoholic drinks is not accepted. No alcoholic beverages are allowed by students in dormitory or any place on campus.

Drunkenness and disorderly behavior

Drunkenness, disorderly behavior, rowdy behavior and fights constitute serious offences, and are strictly forbidden on and off campus. Expulsion will be awarded if such offences are committed as determined by the disciplinary committee.
Use of Narcotic and Psychotropic drugs

The use or possession of drugs is strictly prohibited, and is punishable by expulsion.

Hooliganism and Vandalism

Students are expected to handle any property in their possession with care. Hooliganism and vandalism or manifestation of these practices in any form, whatsoever, is not acceptable. Any students found guilty of this offence shall, depending on the magnitude of such a case be warned and surcharged, and expelled.

Conflicts between room mates

Any conflicts (i.e. habits, practices or general behavior which is an inconvenience) between students shall be investigated by the PRO. If such claims are proved to be in existence the PRO shall counsel the students involved. If after a counseling process the difference is not resolved, the PRO in consultation with the Head of Programmes, Research and Planning shall take appropriate action.


Incitement from an individual or group of students for a collective action such as class boycotts, and any other form of strikes against the institution without following established channels shall not be tolerated. Ringleaders of such acts shall, after thorough investigations if found guilty, be suspended or expelled from MEF. Similarly, any acts of picketing in the event of a strike or class boycott shall merit expulsion.

Dressing on campus

All students are expected to dress in a decent and acceptable manner bearing in mind that Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation is a Christian community. (Ladies: no bear backs, strapless tops, tights, short skirts and dresses above the knees, tops showing too much cleavage. Men: no sports shorts, vest, bathing slippers and no sagging).



Any student not feeling well should consult Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation clinic staff, who may refer him/her to a medical doctor when necessary. No student shall consult a Doctor without the knowledge of the clinic staff. All referral cases shall be done through MEF Clinic staff.


There shall exist Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation student union hereinafter referred to as Students Union or the Union. Each Programme will elect a representative who thereafter will form the students union. The student union shall be elected by all MEF students and shall comprise representatives from all Programmes. Elections of the office bearers shall be facilitated by the Assistant Programmes Officer with the help of the Senior Lecturer in Charge. Elections shall be held not later than two months after the commencement of the academic year.


-Peace Building and Conflict Transformation representative
-Youth Leadership Programme representative
-Management of Orphans and vulnerable children (SMC-OVC) representative.
-Media and communication representative
-Hostels committee representative
-Social Work/Community Development representative -Kitchen Committee representative
-Hostels Committee representative
-Worship Committee representative
-IT Committee representative
-Library committee representative

The Students Union shall be comprised of the following posts

Position Details
Chairperson Shall supervise and direct affairs of the union and shall preside at all meetings of the union. Further, he/she shall be responsible to the student body.
Vice Chairperson Shall act as chairperson when chairperson is absent and in consultation with the chairperson attend to various issues affecting students.
Secretary Shall prepare and keep minutes of each students union meetings and shall handle all union correspondence.
Vice Secretary Shall assist the Secretary.
Committee members These shall attend to other various issues as assigned by the union.


The students union shall meet once a month. However, when need arises the Union shall be free to hold emergency meetings.



Channels for dealing with cases which may occur within campus or outside the campus are established either through the Head of Programmes, Research and Planning or Programme Senior Lecturer. On such matters the Student Union shall act as a counseling body or a an advisory body.

Disciplinary Committee

The committee shall administer all cases referred to it.

Executive Director
Head of Programmes, Research and Planning
Senior Lecturer concerned
Students Union Chairperson
Public relations officer
Note: The student may call on the chaplain as a witness if they so wish.

Terms of Reference for the Students Council

The Union shall be the highest body representing students affairs to management and communicating managements responses to students. In other words it shall serve as a bridge between students and management. Matters include
Issues relating to hostel, transport and clinic service provided by the Foundation.
Issues relating to security of students and their property.
Educating other students about the code of conduct and the
need to adhere to the Foundation rules.
Issues affecting the general academic life of the students.
Coordinating the functions of worship, hostels, social activities
and the kitchen committee.
Issues concerning social and spiritual life of students.
Representing students in disciplinary cases.

Classroom cases

Any offence committed by a student in a classroom shall be reported to the Programme Senior Lecturer (If the programme Senior Lecturer is involved in the classroom incident, report shall be made to the Head of Programmes, Research and Planning). If the Senior Lecturer fails to resolve the issue, the matter will be referred to the Head of Programmes, Research and Planning.

Outside classroom cases

Any complaints or cases from students outside, the classroom or from security officers are to be dealt with in the following manner.

Steps Details
Step One The case shall be reported immediately to the Senior Lecturer , who shall immediately inform the Programme Senior Lecturer.
Step Two The programme Senior lecturer and the students council Chairperson shall meet to try to resolve the case; if the case is not settled they will make recommendations for further action.
Step Three If the case is still not resolved at stage two, and if the offence is serious or one of the rules in the code of conduct is broken, the case shall immediately to taken to the disciplinary committee by the Senior Lecturer in Charge.

Appeal procedure

If a student is not satisfied with the penalty imposed on him/her by the disciplinary committee, the Students Union shall on behalf of the student appeal to the Director of the Foundation who shall appoint a committee to review and determine the case.


Course Content

Specific guidelines pertaining to each course with regard to subject unit will be given to students at the beginning of each programme. Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation will try as much as possible to offer all the subject units listed in the information fliers on all courses.
The Foundation reserves the right to vary the subject units each course covers.

Course Administration

Programme Senior lecturer are responsible for the day to day running of their respective courses. All matters pertaining to the course content and course administration should be referred to the programme Senior lecturer concerned.

Teaching methods

The course content is based on participatory methods of education and is flexible, depending on the needs of the studnts. Tests, assignments, group work and examinations will be a part of assessment, depending on the particular programme.

Class participation

Every student is required to participate fully in all course activities, including non-credit workshops and all practical units. Full attendance in classes is expected from each student throughout the course. Absenting oneself from classes without permission will result in disciplinary action.


Assignments for modules should be handed on time as agreed with your Lecturer. Facilitators for each module will determine the penalty for late submissions.


Fieldwork is assignment or practical work with appropriate agencies and churches. All fieldwork is arranged by the Programme Senior lecturer.

Grading System

Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation uses a grading system whereby all grades for all courses appear on all grade reports and transcripts, both as one of the thirteen (13) letter grades, from A through D minus (D) and F; or as numeric marks on a hundred (100) point scale.
All the programmes follow the same system whatever type of grading system used (both letter grading or numerical).


Counseling services

The Chaplain shall also be available to offer help and advice, whether spiritual or secular. The counseling service is completely confidential. All Students are warmly welcome.

Clinic Attendance

Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation clinic provides vital support for students who experience minor illnesses or complaints during their stay at Mindolo. The service is strictly confidential and readily available to all students.
Should the illness require Doctors attention, the nursing sister shall make all necessary arrangements.
Treatment of any long-term disease is the students responsibility.


Zambian Public Holidays during Diploma course

Holidays Months
International Womens Day 8th March
Youth Day 12th March
Good Friday 29th March
Holy Saturday 30th March
Easter Monday 1st April
Labour day 1st May
African Freedom Day 1st July
Unity Day 2nd July
Farmers Day 5th August
Independence 24th October
Heroes Day 1st July

There are no classes on such days. Special worship services may be organized for the community to mark any such day and all students are expected to participate in such events where possible.


Procedure to follow in case of violation of code of conduct. The following will apply:
Failure to observe mutual respect/using abusive language

-1st breach verbal warnings
-2nd breach written warning
-3rd breach expulsion
-Poor time keeping
-1st breach verbal warnings
-2nd breach written warning
-3rd breach suspension
-Visiting rooms of the opposite sex
-1st breach written warning
-2nd breach suspension
-3rd breach expulsion
-Sexual harassment/scandalous behaviour/sexual immorality/immoral
-1st breach expulsion
-Making noise and playing loud music
-1st breach verbal warnings
-2nd breach written warning
-3rd breach suspension
-Overnight Guest
-1st breach expulsion from room
-Spending a night off campus without notifying the relevant authorities
-1st breach written warning
-2nd breach expulsion
-Removal and theft of dormitory properties
-1st breach verbal warnings and payment of or restitution of the property
-2nd breach expulsion
-Loss of Keys/damage to property
-Replacement/payment by the student
-Drinking alcohol, drunkenness and disorderly behaviour
-1st breach suspension
-2nd breach expulsion
-Using or possessing drugs, hooliganism and vandalism
-1st breach expulsion
-Indecent dressing
-1st breach written warning
-2nd breach suspension
-3rd breach expulsion
-Fighting, on or off campus
-1st breach expulsion